New Energy and Carbon Project Experience
An Arctic Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub Testing Ground
ASRC Energy Services, along with Consortium partners, is evaluating potential locations for Direct Air Capture technologies in Alaska including: the North Slope, the Interior (Fairbanks), and/or South Central (Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula, Mat-Su). As part of the pre-feasibility study, the consortium will conduct a technical review of multiple existing technologies to review the operating range of technologies and identify modifications required to operate in the Arctic.
North to the Future Carbon Capture and Sequestration Hub
ASRC Energy Services, LLC, together with its partner, plans to advance towards the development of a commercial large-scale CO2 storage hub in the North Slope region of Alaska and meet all requirements necessary to reach a financial investment decision for construction. The project will leverage expertise and infrastructure in the region to maximize the utilization of resources and minimize environmental impact while supporting local economic development. The partners plan to drill one stratigraphic well, study transport options and assess the feasibility of CO2 from area emitters, develop a storage field development plan, undertake National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) activities, and initiate an application for an underground injection control (UIC) Class VI permit. The initial hub design consists of two injection wells and transport pipelines for two localized regions of CO2 emitters. The project plans to advance the development and deployment of carbon capture and storage in the industrial center of Alaska by providing a dedicated storage location for point source and direct air capture projects.