Remediation Project Experience

Fairbanks Soil Remediation

ACES undertook a pivotal soil remediation project at an airport in Fairbanks, Alaska. The project involved the meticulous remediation of 1,300 tons of soil and the destruction of the contaminants. ACES exhibited an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the environment and ensuring the continuity of airport operations.

The project commenced with a comprehensive site assessment to identify and quantify the contamination, ensuring a precise and tailored approach to remediation. ACES then executed a systematic and efficient soil excavation process, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and adhering to rigorous safety standards.

ACES not only remediated the contaminated soil but also took extensive measures to restore the land to its original pristine condition. This dual-focus approach highlighted their dedication to environmental stewardship, setting a new industry standard for soil remediation projects of this scale.

The successful on-site remediation of 1,300 tons of soil has not only ensured the airport's compliance with stringent environmental regulations but has also upheld its commitment to sustainable aviation operations.

FAA Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program

ACES was a subrecipient of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) entitled “FAA Airport Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program.” The goal of the project was to test onsite PFAS treatment technologies in an airport setting and remediate contaminated soil originating from a formerly used firefighter training pit. ACES deployed the Mobile Remediation System (MRS) platform and treated 1370 tons of PFAS-contaminated soil. The MRS technology successfully remediated the contaminated soil, reducing the concentration of PFAS contaminants to below applicable clean-up limits. The soil was then made available to the airport for reuse. ACES also performed pre- and post-treatment site characterization, electrical upgrades, and excavation.

Nikiski Remediation

ASRC Consulting & Environmental Services, LLC (ACES) supported the Nikiski Rig Tenders Dock (Rig Tenders) with developing and executing a site soil characterization/remediation plan that involved land applying petroleum contaminated soils (PCS) and performing monitoring of natural attenuation to achieve a No Further Action status from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). The project involved ACES developing an ADEC-approved plan to characterize and land apply petroleum contaminated soil from a former release site in a 2-4” lift across an approximate 1-acre lot. ACES then collected baseline analytical results and Photoionization Detector (PID) readings at nine unique sampling locations that were geo-located using a Global Positioning System (GPS). ACS performed semiannual PID monitoring (spring/fall) at each of the nine locations to evaluate the natural attenuation of the PCS compared to baseline results. Based on the annual monitoring performed by ACES, the ADEC determined the soil successfully attenuated to below applicable soil to groundwater migration and ingestion standards, and issued a No Further Action letter that allowed the onsite use of soil.

Product Development and Pilot Testing Work: Mobile Soil Remediation System

ACES developed and commercialized the proprietary Mobile Remediation System (MRS) platform to perform PFAS remediation at contaminated sites nationwide. The first test project was at a contaminated industrial site in Valdez, Alaska, where MRS-1 successfully treated over 600 tons of PFAS-impacted soils and reduced all measured PFAS analytes to non-detect levels using a Department of Defense (DoD) accredited lab. 

​MRS-1 is a novel, mobile, ex-situ thermal soil remediation technology, consisting of a Power Supply Module (PSM), Desorption Unit (TDU), Thermal Oxidation Unit (TOU), and support equipment including rotary screens and water treatment. MRS-1 is a two-stage process:

  1. Electric induction enabled desorption of contaminants from soil (TDU)

  2. High temperature destruction of desorbed contaminants in a thermal oxidizer (TOU) 

​MRS-1 is a complete PFAS destruction solution that eliminates the necessity of hauling off contaminated material to a landfill or injection well. Under MRS-1’s ADEC-approved Operations Plan, incidental contaminated stormwater or soil washing water can be discharged to land after being treated by the GAC/IX train. Soils, sediments, and liquids will have their contamination levels reduced to below the applicable clean-up limits on site.

Valdez Gravel Remediation

ACES was prime contractor on a project in Valdez, Alaska to remediate 600 tons of soil containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) resulting from the release of Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF).  

Following the completion of the Mobile Remediation System (MRS-1) development and assembly, which began in 2019, ACES deployed this soil remediation technology in Valdez, Alaska for field testing and commercialization. In 2021, the technology successfully treated PFAS impacted soils and reduced all measured PFAS analytes to non-detect levels, verified by a DOD accredited lab.

This field test proved the technology’s capabilities in remediating large quantities of contaminated soils on-site, including soils impacted by PFAS, PCBs, hydrocarbons, pesticides, and chlorinated solvents.

Alaska North Slope Gravel Remediation

The ACES crew mobilized to Deadhorse, AK (on the remote North Slope) to thermally remediate soil contaminated with diesel and other hydrocarbon contaminants. Ambient temperatures fluctuated between -10° to -40°F, with no sunlight at any time. On-site remediation allowed the client to save on cost, minimize risk, and reduce environmental impact of hauling the soil over 500 miles for disposal.