Environmental Permitting, Regulatory Planning, and Compliance
Practical solutions for unique regulatory challenges
Our team consists of multi-faceted skilled engineers, scientists, regulatory professionals, and community outreach staff who have worked on projects small and large in some of the most challenging conditions on earth. We develop a proactive strategy so clients can obtain permits in a timely manner, manage risk, and meet mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements.
Regulatory project management
Multi-stage permitting and plan development
Regulatory strategy and risk mitigation
Regulatory compliance matrix development and post-season reporting
Environmental assessment and impact analysis
Agency coordination
Oil spill contingency and spill response planning
Environmental support services, restoration, and field programs
Cultural resources and archaeological studies
Stakeholder engagement and community relations
Plans of cooperation and conflict avoidance
Marine mammal/protected species monitoring programs
Field environmental compliance support
Geographic information systems (GIS) services
Marine mammal and endangered species permitting and consultation
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Section 404 permitting for discharges into waters of the United States
National pollutant discharge elimination system/Alaska pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES/APDES) permitting and environmental monitoring plans
State of Alaska permitting (Division of Mining, Land and Water, Division of Oil and Gas, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation)
Local permitting (North Slope Borough, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Denali Borough, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Mat-Su Borough)
Land access and right-of-way permitting
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis
Stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPS) and spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan services
Wildlife deterrence/bear guard support
Regulatory Support
Pre-National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Scoping and NEPA documentation
Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA)
Letter of Authorization (LOA)
Exploration plans for drilling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
Exploration plans for drilling onshore in the North Slope
Permitting for Onshore, Offshore, and Transitional Seismic
Right-of-way acquisition and permitting for Natural Gas
North Slope to Southcentral pipeline
Permit compliance support
National and state historic preservation compliance Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) analysis
Bureau of ocean energy management historic properties guidelines and regulations
Federal Energy Regulation Commission historic properties guidelines and regulations consultation support
Historic property and archaeological surveys required by section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Historic property and archaeological surveys required by the Alaska Historic Preservation Act
National Register of Historic Places (NRPH) eligibility evaluation
Support for cultural resource evaluation under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)